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Health & Wellness

Summer Fun for Seniors: Indoor and Outdoor Activities

When it comes to spending quality time with elderly loved ones, it’s important to find activities that are not only enjoyable, but also appropriate for their age and abilities. Summer is a great time to engage with older relatives, and there are plenty of indoor and outdoor activities that can help create meaningful memories. Indoor Summer Activities for Seniors Indoor activities can be a great option when the weather is…

Health & Wellness

Date Ideas for Older Couples

For couples who have been together for many years, relationships can become stale. All aspects of a relationship require work, and your romantic life needs to remain fresh and active. Once the kids are grown, many couples find themselves at a loss for something to do or even talk about. But this is the perfect time to renew your interests together and develop new ones. It’s important for each individual…

Health & Wellness

Spring Into Action: Fun and Engaging Activities for Seniors

Spring is a beautiful time of year, with flowers blooming and temperatures warming up. It’s the perfect time to get outside and enjoy some fun activities with your older loved ones. Here are five ideas to keep their minds active and their bodies moving: Take leisurely walks Walking is a fantastic low-impact exercise that’s easy on the joints and can be done at any pace, indoors or out. It’s also…

Caregiving, Health & Wellness

Best Pets for Seniors

Seniors looking for a pet companion have many options to choose from. Dogs, cats, fish, and birds can provide companionship and joy to seniors. While each type of pet has its own unique benefits, some are better suited for older adults than others. Dogs Dogs are often the first companion that comes to mind when considering the best pet for seniors. They provide unconditional love and companionship, help reduce stress…

Health & Wellness

What to Consider Before Moving Closer to an Adult Child

After retirement, many people start to feel alone and lost for something to do. All too often, the kids have moved away and you don’t see them or your grandchildren. Retirees and seniors also look to move away for better climate, more senior services, or better health care. It’s quite common for retirees to want to relocate closer to their adult children. However, before you sell up and move, there…

Health & Wellness

10 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

The brain is arguably the most amazing organ in the body. This complex network of cells is responsible for the control of all the essential functions in the body, from digestion to keeping the heart beating. This spring of ideas and dreams is not immune to the effects of time, and can suffer damage as we live each day. As such, it is essential to care for and maintain the…

Caregiving, Health & Wellness

Flu Myths and Facts for Seniors

For most of us, coming down with the flu is inconvenient and unpleasant. But, for seniors, it can be much worse. They often get affected much worse, take much longer to recover, and can even die. Keeping healthy in the winter can already be a challenge for seniors, but catching a cold or the flu can be devastating. Older people are at higher risk for complications from the flu. Flu…

Caregiving, Health & Wellness, Safety First

Ways to Maintain Independence – Tips for Seniors


As our loved ones age, it can be frustrating for family members. We often try to jump in and take over a task to save time, but we are not doing them or ourselves any favors. Keeping them independent for as long as possible is better for everyone. It helps them keep active and maintain both physical and mental health. There are a few ways you can help them keep…